Heating system

Food industry

Thermal insulation of water supply, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems with foam rubber materials helps solve a whole range of problems related to operation of this equipment. Resistance to condensate formation, reduction of heat losses, prevention of mould formation and corrosion are obvious advantages of using RU-FLEX products. The products are certified for use in the food industry.

Heating of premises requires a qualitative accounting of energy losses, which are significantly reduced by RU-FLEX foam rubber insulation. The products have proven themselves perfectly within the applicable temperature range of the heat carrier. The proven energy efficiency of the offered solutions, simplicity and convenience of installation, durability and lack of need to maintain heat-insulating structures are decisive factors in choosing RU-FLEX heat insulation.

To help choose the right RU-FLEX ST insulation thickness, we have prepared ready-made solutions (basic calculations).

Problem and solution

Calculation of insulation thickness according to normative heat flux density.

Initial data

  • Heat transfer medium: water
  • tm = 95/70 ˚С – coolant temperature in the pipe;
  • tо = 25 ˚С – temperature in the shopping center.

According to SP (Construction Regulations) 61.13330.2012 "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines" paragraph 6.12: it is allowed to accept the nearest lower thickness of the thermal insulation layer in cases of calculation of temperature on the insulation surface and heat flux density norms, if the difference between the calculated and nominal thickness does not exceed 3 mm.

Without covering layer or with covering layer in different colours (PROM FORM):
Steel pipe diameter, mm Operating mode (24-hour or heating period) Design thickness of insulation, RU-FLEX ST, mm Recommended insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST, mm
89 > 5000 hours
(209 days or more)
40,55/32,92 Т40/Т32
≤ 5000 hours
(208 days or less)
33,22/27,94 Т32/Т25
With foil-coated cover layer (ALU, PROM FORM silver, PROM ALU):
Steel pipe diameter, mm Operating mode (24-hour or heating period) Calculated insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST PROM ALU, mm Recommended insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST PROM ALU, mm
89 > 5000 hours
(209 days or more)
38,63/31,05 Т40/Т32
≤ 5000 hours
(208 days or less)
31,29/26,06 Т32/Т25

T-Designation of the tubular material.
Calculations made according to SP 61.13.330.2012 RF

Calculation of insulation thickness according to a given temperature on the insulation surface.

Initial data

  • Heat transfer medium: water
  • tm = 95/70 ˚С – coolant temperature in the pipe;
  • tо = 25 ˚С – temperature in the shopping center.

According to SP (Construction Regulations) 61.13330.2012, paragraph 6.7.1: for insulated surfaces located in working or service areas of rooms and containing substances with a temperature of 150 °C or lower, the surface temperature of the thermal insulation should not exceed 40 °C.

Without covering layer or with covering layer in different colours (PROM FORM):
Steel pipe diameter, mm Insulation surface temperature not exceeding ˚C Design thickness of insulation, RU-FLEX ST, mm Recommended insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST, mm
89 40 11,47/6,36 Т13/Т9
With foil-coated cover layer (ALU, PROM FORM silver, PROM ALU):
Steel pipe diameter, mm Insulation surface temperature not exceeding ˚C Calculated insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST PROM ALU, mm Recommended insulation thickness, RU-FLEX ST PROM ALU, mm
89 40 16,51/9,28 Т19/ Т13

The supply and return heat pipes in residential buildings have a heating medium temperature of +60 to +120 C according to SP (Construction Regulations) 61.13330.2012. To ensure efficient operation of the thermal insulation and to reduce heat loss, it is recommended to use insulation with a higher temperature range. RU-FLEX VT rubber insulation is one of the technical solutions that can work in a wide range of temperatures: from - 200 to + 150 C° (up to + 180 C° for a short time).

Calculations made according to SP 61.13.330.2012 RF